Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Let's be 'JaneDoe'.

Ever wish you could escape to somewhere far and just be anonymous, change your name, your status? Unfortunately, living in this small red dot country, you simply can't go anywhere without ka-ching ($$).
Let's just fantasize then for a moment, shall we?
You drive away, somewhere far far...no one knows you, vice versa. You seek euphoria, adrenaline, somewhere else. You just wanna see...incredible!. Know people, have the best time of your life. Knowing you don't have to be ashamed and embarrass about doing the stupidest thing. Sleep with gazillion other men. (Okie, guess the brain's burning abit too much). Reminder, this is just a fantasy, which not many humans are given the opportunity to do so.

You know what sets us apart from animals? We know how to love, care, talk. That's what made us special. Loving and expressing our love and care, compassion towards each other.
I've been to many paradise, I've been to many greater heights as well. Guess you people had been there too, right? But think about this, have you guys been to your self lately? Cause I know I haven't.

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