Tuesday, December 9, 2008


It seems like service in our country is still quite bad. This happened to me earlier at work.

I called up a particular shopping center, which is supposedly to be well known in our country for high end fashion. (If you're thinking it's the building slab in the middle of Orchard Road, I would say no). I called regarding a retail store. One of the world renown fashion brand. I understand that this retail outlet have recently move, together with their office. As part of my job, I was suppose to call and get their address to mail something out to them. So, the customer service gave me the phone number of the outlet. I called, and to my dismay, it was an unallocated number. So, I called them back, and reconfirmed the number given. And the customer service person said yes, it's right. Upon informing her for that when I dialed the number it says unallocated, she suggest I called their fax machine, as that's the next best number that I could try. And still, it was also unallocated.
So I proceed to check on the internet, but as you know I have a little bit of doubt knowing that sometimes the website is not updated. So I checked and I got this whole new number, even the fax!
I tried my luck, and lucky enough, it was correct! After asking and inquiring a few questions, I put down. And to my dismay, I wonder, how could a direct shopping center not update its directory number for its retail outlet? And for a shopping center, where it's holding high end boutiques, this is not acceptable. So I'm thinking, is internet more reliable compared to a direct inquiry?

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